Ja, okej, jag sa ju att jag inte skulle gör såna här mer. Men jag kan inte låte bli den här.
MEN jag kan säga så här: Jag kanske inte gör detta varje dag, jag gör det när jag vill. :) Och visst, många kanske tycker det är tråkigt. Men jag älskar One Direction så ni får helt enkelt leva med det.
- Favorite song by One Direction?
- Favorite ship & why?
- Favorite Video Diary?
- Favorite 1D joke?
- Favorite girlfriend?
- Favorite Haroline or Caroline joke?
- If you could spend the day with one of them what would you do?
- Best fantasy of one[or more] of them[give the details]?
- Favorite XFactor performance?
- Favorite boy & why?
- Do you think the boys are gay?
- Chose the people on tumblr that you would pair with each boy.
- Favorite music video?
- Fuck, Marry, Kill - _____ _____ _____
- Brother, Boyfriend, Best friend - ______ ______ ______
- Why do you like 1D?
- How long have you been a fan?
- What’s your opinion of the term ‘Directionator’?
- Would you rather the boys hated eachother or that 1D broke up?
- Week with your favorite or weekend with all of them?
- Funniest thing you think Louis has done?
- Who do you think would be the best boyfriend? Why?
- What did you originally think the song Moments was about?
- Your reaction when you first saw a video of the boys?
- Do they make you feel beautiful?
- Do you think you will you ever forget about them?
- How would you like to meet them?
- Have you been to a concert yet?
- Have you met them yet?
- Have any 1D merch?
- Favorite thing about each of the boys?
- What do you think about this fandom?
- If you could explain what the boys mean to you in less than 10 words what would you say?
- First word that pops into your mind when you think of each of the boys?
- Name one thing you dislike about this fandom, the boys, or anything to do with them?
- Do you think they should of placed 1st on XFactor?
- Will you tell your future husband about the boys & this fandom?
- Will you ever tell your kids about it?
- Favorite 1D blog on Tumblr?
- Louis’ Carrot or Zayn’s spring roll?
- Cats or turtles?
- Favorite line in one of 1D’s songs?
- Favorite solo of one of the boys?
- If you could chose which music video the boys made next which song would you chose?
- Who would you like to see 1D work with?
- What would you do if you ever ran into one[or more] of the boys on the street?
- Larry or Ziam?
- Favorite picture of _______ ?
- Favorite Liam hair?
- Was this questionnaire a complete waste of mine & your time?